Brave Class
Everybody has to start somewhere. For the Penguins, all of them begin their basic military training as a Brave Class Penguin Pilot. Braves are a paramount class as all other classes stem from it. High ranked Braves are also especially versatile as they are capable of equipping anything they've trained with previously, albeit with a minor debuff.
You must be wondering, why Brave? The Brave Class is named after great warriors, whom didn't really have much clothes on either. Also, you have to be pretty brave to go into combat wearing nothing but a t-shirt and a pair of combat boots...

Marine Class
The Marine Class is the backbone of the unit. You can count on them to accomplish any mission. Well-trained and well-armed, they are probably the most all rounded class in the unit. All they need are fish and ammunition and they will get the job done.

Engineer Class
Engineers can build and fix anything. Bring them into battle and they will ensure your |M.A.M.U| runs smoothly. The Engineers can even repair their teammates with advance armour!! Penguin Engineers can also construct a variety of portable automated turrets which greatly assist their teams in any situation.

Ordnance Class
Everyone loves Ordnance Penguins. They keep the unit well fed and well stocked. Feel free to let them know if you need anything. It'll help lighten their load as well... Please take something?

Bomber Class
Bomber reporting in!! Need some damage done? The Bomber Class Penguin is exactly what you need!! They will bring the rain. Just don't get in my way.

Intelligence Class
Sun Tzu says “If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles." That's what the Intelligence Class penguins are here for. They see further and clearer than anyone else. Intelligence Class Penguins deploy drones to help scout the battlefield, relaying critical real time intel to the team.

Combat Medic Class
Combat Medic Penguins are essential for keeping your ground army in fighting fit conditions. Though not the most heavily armed, some Penguin Commanders choose to sacrifice a more offensive class in favour of having a Combat Medic to increase the longevity of a squad.

Marauder Class
The sneaky Marauder Class Penguin Pilot both steals and scavenges on the battlefield, finding valuable materials to build your army as resources and parts are hard to come by.

Demolitions Class
Do you need structures taken down fast? Need traps set? Demolitions Class Penguin Pilot is what you need in your squad. These Penguins love playing with high explosives and are experts at reducing anything to rubble.

Biohazard Class
The noxious gas of their rotten fish poisons enemies. Don't venture near unless you are suited up like the Biohazard Class Penguins though. Biohazard penguins are usually a bit grumpy as their suits are really hot and stuffy...

Sniper Class
Keep your Sniper Class Penguins far from the battle. Penguin Snipers work best if the enemy doesn't know their vantage point. Keep them out of sight and the enemies won't even know what hit them. One shot, one kill.

The Frost Class Penguin Pilot uses cryo weaponry to freeze enemies in their path. Penguins are very fond of this class and the armour as it keeps them cool and looks bad-ass. The Frost Class Penguins are a branch of Specialists known as ELEMENTAL.

The Flame Class Penguin Pilot uses a flamethrower to clear an entire area of enemies. You can usually find them at the forefront of the battle. Penguins tend to be a bit grumpy when they are assigned this class due to the heat. Their teammates also have a tendency to keep a safe distance... The Flame Class Penguins are a branch of Specialists known as ELEMENTAL.

The Hydro Class Penguin Pilot uses a high pressured water gun to cut through the toughest armours. Their uniform is a homage to old diving suits. No, they don't dive in it. The Hydro Class Penguins are a branch of Specialists known as ELEMENTAL.

The Shock Class Penguin Pilot uses a deadly electric weapons to stun enemies. They work exceptionally well together with HYDRO Class, but be careful of friendly fire. The Shock Class Penguins are a branch of Specialists known as ELEMENTAL.

The GOLEM Class Penguin Pilot uses tectonic type attacks and specializes in using terrains to its advantage. It also equips a very durable armour, allowing it to traverse the harshest terrains with ease.

Commando Class
Commando Class Penguins are the definition of elite. They hit harder, hit faster and nothing can stand in their way. When the going gets tough, go Commando!! Wait...that didn't come out right...

Covert Ops Class
Sneaking and stealth are the Covert Ops Class Penguin's forte. Utilizing advance cloaking technology, these Penguins can easily go behind enemy lines, providing a tactical advantage over any adversary. They are very fond of their suppressed weapons and generally try their best to be completely undetected.

HAGAKURE Penguins wield their blades for honour, for survival and for fish. Defeat is shameful to the HAGAKURE Class. They will neither be shamed nor defeated. Have you heard their battle cry? SASHIMIIIIIIII~~~!!

Guardian Class
Other classes of Penguins love having the Guardian Class as a teammate cause they feel safe and protected by the Guardian Class' powerful shield generator. Guardian Class Penguins are able to shield their team of 4 for a short duration of time, allowing for the team to make strategic pushes into enemy territory.

The Ninpiden Class Penguins are highly trained elite soldiers that employ both stealth and speed to execute missions. NINPIDENs work extremely well as a team with both the HAGAKURE Class and Covert Ops Class Penguins.

Archangel Class
Who says Penguins can't fly? The Archangel Class Penguins soar above the enemy, railing down heavy damage on them with their powerful railguns. It takes a very well trained Penguin to handle the Archangel suit. Not to mention, they really enjoy it as well.

The Titan Class is one of the most powerful armour the Penguins can equip. It is only used by the most highly trained and experienced Penguins. It is extremely powerful, using only the most advanced of weaponry available in the Penguins' arsenal.

Swarm Class
The Swarm Class is an Elite Penguin that controls multiple drones to assist the team in battle. With a variety of drones with different functions, the Swarm class provides a wide spectrum of utility on the battlefield.